Need the ability to deactivate all notifications for a specific set of Reviewers.

We need to implement a workflow in which our external reviewers are not notified at all by the BBGM system. We want to send that email from outside BBGM.

We have found that despite disabling all notifications from within the Review stage that we have assigned to this specific set of Ext. Reviewers, that, at the very least, a notification and password set up email will ensue.

Although there is a method to nix notifications altogether via Control Panel > Settings > Global review notifications, this is not workable for use as it is only a specific subset of reviewers who we would like not to receive notifications at all.

If there is any way to implement this option in the future it would be much appreciated as it would make our desired workflow possible.

  • Eric Snoddy
  • Feb 28 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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