Thank you for submitting the idea and thanks to everyone who voted on it!
I am happy to report that with the release of Gifts Online 6.1 we will be providing you with an opportunity to attach "external" documents to correspondence; by "external" we mean documents stored outside of Gifts Online, such as on your desktop or shared drive.
I've attached a screenshot of the new capability for your review.
The 6.1 release is tentatively scheduled for the end of March. Please keep en eye for additional information on this item and other neat things we are working on for 6.1!
Nicole, I was confused by that, too. However, you can either
1) attach a template,
AND/OR - if you see the Browse button just beneath -
2) Attach an external document.
This is life-changing. Thank you for finally implementing this functionality.
Do you have any response to my earlier question about the new ability to attach to emails?
Your screenshot shows that there is not only the ability to attach an external document, but the option to select a merged template document, am I correct?
This would be a good step in the right direction, to give us back this capability which we always had in Alta.